
Applications for committee and volunteer positions open November 1, 2023.
Click here to complete a committee application form
Click here to view the committee volunteer FAQs
Click here to join our general volunteer list (this list remains open throughout the year)

Join an ABVTA committee and Make a Difference!

The ABVTA is opening its annual call for committee volunteers to participate on our two standing committees. This is a great time to bring in new volunteers who have fresh ideas to contribute.

What Are the ABVTA Committees?

The ABVTA currently has two standing committees, the Continuing Education (CE) Committee and the Member and Public Relations (M & PR) Committee.

The CE Committee is responsible for overseeing the organization of the annual continuing education and professional development seminars held throughout the year. These volunteers provide input on session topics, find speakers, and moderate sessions.

The M & PR Committee* works together to promote the profession and association at career days, trade fairs, and other community events. In addition to public outreach, this committee also plans and engages the membership in networking and social events.

The M & PR Committee is divided into two sub-committees: the Public Relations Sub-Committee and the Member Outreach Sub-Committee.

      • The Public Relations Sub-Committee is the driving force behind raising awareness about RVTs and their vital role in our community. They work together to identify public events and platforms that would be beneficial to raising awareness about RVTs, their careers and the Association and work with each other and staff to participate in these events.
      • The Member Outreach Sub-Committee play a pivotal role in fostering meaningful connections and celebrating our very own community of members. They work together to create opportunities for ABVTA members to engage with each other and the association.

The two standing committees are made up of a chair, board liaison, association staff, and committee volunteers.

What You Need to Know:

  • Term of Office: To volunteer on a committee, we ask for a two-year commitment when you submit an application form. After the application window closes, you’ll be contacted and notified of your first meeting in January.
  • Meeting Schedule: Committees generally meet every 1-2 months, via Zoom, and may take a break over the summer months.
  • Application Process: Please submit your committee application form by clicking here. If you indicate an interest in the M & PR Committee, you’ll also be asked which sub-committee you’re interested in working with.


Unable to commit to an entire committee term?

If you’re unable to commit to an entire committee term, the ABVTA also requires general volunteers who can dedicate small amounts of time to volunteer for specific events, without being required to commit to a committee term. To get added to the volunteer list, click here.

Questions? Email us!