August 5, 2020

Now in its fourth consecutive year, RVT Month celebrates the roughly 10,000 Registered Veterinary Technicians/Technologists (RVTs) across Canada throughout October.

Since the inaugural year, RVT Month Kits have been shipped and delivered to animal hospitals and other employers of RVTs from coast to coast. These kits included educational and marketing materials, as well as small gifts for RVTs. In light of the impact COVID-19 has had on veterinary medicine (i.e. curbside pickups, limiting clients inside buildings, etc.), as well as the general recommendations around physical distancing, this year will feature an RVT Month App!

In a joint effort between Canada’s RVT associations (ABVTA, BCVTA, EVTA, MVTA, OAVT, RVTTC, SAVT), a one-stop-shop for RVT Month has been created, and will allow RVTs, employers and members of the public to take part in RVT Month…right at their fingertips!

Highlights of the RVT Month App include:

  • Educational and marketing materials about the RVT profession
  • Links to RVT merchandise, sponsor contests, RVT Month events
  • “Thank an RVT” message board, for clients to thank RVTs for the work that they do
  • The ability to share posters and videos from the app right to your social media pages

The RVT Month App will be available via a direct download link in September. Clinics, organizations and businesses are asked to think of ways they may be able to help share the RVT Month App link to their clients, customers and colleagues to reach as wide of an audience as possible. Examples could include social media posts, or client e-blasts/newsletters.

While the app will be available for download next month, the RVT Month 2020 logo is ready to be unveiled:

This new “Proudly RVT” design is featured on a number of clothing and accessory items in the RVT Month online store: The online store is now open, for those who want to make some early RVT Month gift purchases. The online store will remain open throughout RVT Month. (Note: this online store is run by a third-party company.)

Each provincial association, as well as our national association (RVTTC), will have different things planned throughout the month of October. Check with your association for more information on RVT Month in your province.



Alberta Veterinary Technologist Association (ABVTA)

BC Veterinary Technologists Association (BCVTA)

Eastern Veterinary Technicians Association (EVTA)

Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association (MVTA)

Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (OAVT)

Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists (SAVT)

Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC)