The RVTTC Board of Directors is please to share the official launch of the NEW RVTTC Travel Bursary. Applications are open!

The RVTTC is excited to announce a member initiative designed to strengthen the RVT profession in Canada.

This initiative was created to provide funds for RVTs who may want to expand their professional knowledge or skills as an RVT and require additional financial support to attend a conference or continuing education activity. A maximum of $1000.00 is available per bursary. Applications will need to show how the funds will enhance their skills, goals or career development, while providing a contribution to the veterinary community.

This program is a new RVTTC member benefit and open to all RVT members of RVTTC (BCVTA, ABVTA, SAVT, MVTA, OAVT, and EVTA) to support their continued professional growth as RVTs.

The funds for the 2018 RVTTC Travel Bursary were raised this past year by #Proudly RVT donations by RVTs supporting RVTs and a matching sponsorship by Petplan Pet Insurance. Sponsorship opportunities are now available for 2019 RVTTC Travel Bursary. To find out how you can support RVTs contact RVTTC Executive Director, Shannon Brownrigg, RVT for more information and future opportunities.

Detailed information and application form can be found on the RVTTC website here.