Setting the direction for an organization is a core board governance function. As such, the ABVTA Board of Directors decided to meet on March 15 and 16, 2019 to review and update its 2015-2017 Strategic Plan.

The ABVTA Board reaffirmed the mission and vision statements:

ABVTA Mission Statement:
“To support and empower a knowledgeable network of Registered Veterinary Technologist to advance our profession while providing compassionate veterinary care”

ABVTA Vision Statement:
“Professional, knowledgeable, compassionate animal health care”

In addition to the four priority focus areas outlined in the 2015-2017 Strategic Plan, the group agreed the Board should also focus on “professional growth and support” in 2019-2021.

2019-2021 Priority Focus Areas
1. Member involvement and engagement
2. Promotion of the RVT profession
3. Promotion of animal health and welfare
4. Good governance and management
5. Professional growth and support (of its members)

The Board agreed that the four goals in the 2015-2017 Strategic Plan are still relevant, and that a new goal needed to be added to address the new priority focus area of “professional growth and support”.

Strategic Goals for 2019 – 2021
1. Enhanced communication to increase member involvement and engagement.
2. Increased public awareness of the RAHT/RVT role.
3. Promotion of animal health and welfare through knowledge and education.
4. Development and implementation of policies and procedures to support the vision and mission statements.
5. Member development and advancement, with a focus on wellness, compensation and sustainability